Al wat ek se I give up ………..Life is truly fokin amazing
Good advice from me (not fuckin really –coz I’m not fake)
-If you need something use people to give it for you ,to do things for you ,don`t say thank you and don`t give back whatever you owe them-you know what??? better yet –don`t give a fuck about other people hey just don`t!!!!-
–keep yourself macho (asshole-houdings)but jy het fokkol
-Talk shit about others ,use them (boost jou kak ego,as jy so iets het)
NB-never return a favor..(low life sal jy dan ooit kan?)
turn your back and go and stab that kind person who just helped ur low ass out ne,deep in the back --ja back stab them.......(I bet you fuckin good at that)
I’m sure u`r disgusting low self esteem that u boosting ,while dragging other peoples names through the Mud will be indeed boosted (fokkin lae gemene bosluis)
Aint even funny -à not anymore
Things are fucking getting out of hand –period
Life is fuckin ridiculously fake sometimes